Sunday, August 3, 2008

Crazy 2 Weeks...

In the past two weeks, my bro (Jason) and I have:
  • Hiked 30 miles in Yosemite (Mammoth Lakes to Tuolomne Meadows)
  • Experienced some deep, emotional bonding time with our dad
  • Survived a bear attack (yeah, that's how it went down)
  • Met Kevin Smith (and Summer freaking Glau!!!)
  • Survived an earthquake (just barely)

I know, weird. And in the two weeks before that I was in Vietnam, Taiwan, Boston, North Carolina, and moved into my new house in Los

Perhaps a book will come from all of this...


Corrigan Vaughan said...

you guys definitely get your calves from your dad.

lisa page said...

I would read your book.