...right? I mean, c'mon, life! Step it up...sheesh.
This is a cool pic I Googlated. Cheered me up for half a sec...then I found THIS one...

MADE THIS ONE...suckas....
I feel sorta sick today.
What should I do with my life?
I've been freaking out. LA Recording School? Finish my College Counseling M.S. program? Musicians Institute of LA? Move to Africa/Haiti/China and do ministry fulltime?
Who knows!?!?...no seriously...who knows??? Do you? Because if somebody who is reading this (Jason, Jorge, CoRri...love you three), and you any of you KNOW for certain (or have a clue) about what I should be doing with my life (academically, vocationally, spiritually, emotionally, ministerially, relationshipially???), please, seriously, please fill me in. I'm rather disconsorked over the whole thing.
Suffice to say, I'm rather confused on life. I know I like playing music, recording music, producing music, editing music, hanging out with friends, playing GTA4 and NBA 2k9, writing (sometimes)...and...other things that don't really pay, well, anything really.
I think I'm coming to the realization that I'm not going to live a glamorous, high-paying lifestyle. I've kinda known that for awhile, but I s'pose barely being able to pay bills the past few months, it's really hit home. At least I'm not the Pottyville Poopsquads (Brent...sucka...).
It's for certain it's tough times when your one true joy and happiness in life is being at the top of you Fantasy Football league...ok, it's not my ONE and only true joy and happiness..., but it's still pretty high on a rather short list.
I got really depressed last year about this time, but that was sparked by a girl...two girls, really. I guess this year's Autumn depression can be mostly attributed to a slight life crisis though.
Besides all that fun stuff though, I think I've voting for Barack Obama. I through out all my ideologies after hearing several Sarah Pail interviews...b/c hey, she could verywell be our next President. Scary.
Plus, how could you say "no" to a cute little fact like this...
And besides, if you throw out all political affiliations, and let's say McCain, Palin, Biden AND Barack would all be horrible choices for President, it'd just be pretty dang sweet to have a (half...) Black President. Tiiiight.
Not to mention, he's obviously a fan of the Fonz...
'Nuff said.
Just think about it...Dick, Jimmy, Ronald, George, Bill, George again, then Barack!? What??? Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama!?!? That's insane!!! Who would do such a thing?!?!
America, that's who.
Boo. Yah.
I think that's all I have now. Mmkay, now I bed go my sleep to in will. Night.
1. were you refering to me when you said sheesh earlier? or were you refering to dais?
2. i love you muchos and am praying for clear direction in your life
I totally was!!! Hey! Why haven't I seen you around my house this week!?!?...answer the question.
L.A. Recording School eh? That's where my brother is going. Cuh-razy.
That's a lotta options you got spread out before ya there, my friend. Perhaps it's time to separate hobby from vocation from passing fancy... and I make no judgments on which aspiration falls into which category. I'm just saying pray and prioritize. You could do 'em all... but you have to do 'em one at a time, so you might as well focus, right? Otherwise your life is gonna start looking like my bookshelf -- a bunch of half-read classics that were fun for a minute, but got overshadowed by the shinier, more attractive spoils of my next trip to the bookstore.
I will say, though, that I wonder if this college counseling thing is really what you want, or if it's just a nice, safe extension of the college leadership experience. Having being in leadership all four years of VU, I can see 100% how that is appealing, if not necessarily your true passion and calling. But I dunno. We haven't been communicating enough lately for me to make that assessment with any measure of authority.
My two cents (though I give myself a lot of credit to even suggest that those ramblings are worth two whole copper cents).
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