Some Comic-Con Highlights! (Yay!)
Biggest "Am I really here right now?" Moment:
Probably when at the first two panels I went to that included Reanu Reeves and Jennifer Connelly (for The Day the Earth Stood Still), and then Mark Wahlberg, Ludacris, and Mila Kunis (for Max Payne). Yeah...they're kinda big stars...either that, or when I met Rob Schrab (see the Trogdor sketch on the right of this page...damn!)
Most Sexual Tension Moment:
Definitely meeting Summer Glau (River Tam from Firefly). Man, it got a little hot there for a few moments...luckily her security guys were there to keep her off me. Let's just say, it was getting a little TOO hot...whew...

Most "I'd kill Jason's firstborn to be here and nowhere else in the world right now!" Moment:
That's gotta be when Joss Whedon walked out to talk about...EVERY one of his shows! Lots of great Firefly moments too...goooood times.
Most Embarrassing Moment:
When during the Q&A somebody asked actress Jaime King (The Spirit, Sin City) what it was like filming The Descent...(she wasn't in that movie)...ouch...awkward...painful to watch.
Biggest "I'm a lucky bastard" Moment"
Gotta be when I saw table reads with the casts and producers of both American Dad and Family Guy. Plus, it was pretty dang hilarious.
Most "Eh..." Moment:
Today...the 5th day in a row at Comic-Con. There were a few things to see, but honestly after about 40 minutes there, Jason and I just left, found a local coffee shop, hunkered down and computerized for a few hours. Nice. Relaxing. No costumes.
Biggest "WTF!?" Moment:
Probably the freezing cold stares from Alison Lohman (Matchstick Men, Big Fish) to both (co-star) Justin Long and director (Sam Raimi)...eerily weird and awkward as well.
Most Overwhelming Moment:
Seeing the panel of Entertainment Weekly's Filmmakers VISIONARIES featuring Judd Apatow (40 Year Old Virgin, Anchorman, Knocked up, Superbad, Walk Hard, Forgetting Sarah Marshall, Pineapple Express, Talledega Nights, The Cable Guy, Step Brothers), Frank Miller (300, Sin City, The Spirit), Zach Snyder (Dawn of the Dead, 300, Watchmen), and Kevin Smith (Clerks, Mallrats, Chasing Amy, Dogma, Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, Clerks II, Zack and Miri Make a Porno, Red State). Plus they were all hilarious too. That always helps.
Biggest "I belong here" Moment:
When I saw Kevin Smith walking by on the patio and just yelling to him, "Hey, Kev!" Got his attention, and then just shook his hand, gave him a pointless compliment, nodded heads, then took off. I'm such a pro...
Most "I definitely do NOT belong here" Moment:
Probably the culmination of EACH and EVERY costume at Comic-Con...especially the ones where the women wore strangely little tops with only bikini bottoms...yucky...
Biggest "I'm not a fanboy at all, I swear..." Moment:
That'd be filming Jason's interviews with Steve Purcell (Sam and Max) and Rob Schrab (Scud and Sarah Silverman) with our awesome 'PRESS' passes on. Definitely felt like a film guy just there for press reasons and least like a fanboy.
By Far the Funniest Moment:
Probably Kevin Smith and Seth Rogen describing what sex is like WITH Kevin Smith...OR, Kevin Smith describing how Seth Rogen and Judd Apatow taste together..."Semitic", btw.
Biggest "I've been here far too long" Moment:
Either the fact that I spent almost 4 hours listening to Kevin Smith talking and well...I honestly can't stop swearing like a...Kevin Smith, OR on the third day (out of FIVE), when Jason and I really wanted to go to more panels and stuff...but were just too f@%#in' tired so we just sat down and doodled on our computers for an hour or oh man this place is exhausting.
Here's a fun little list I compiled of really awesome people that I was able to either see/meet/attend the panel of:
(bold=really wanted to see/meet my whole life)
(*****=actually MET (shook their hands, were introduced, etc))
- Reanu Reeves
- Jennifer Connelly
- Mark Wahlberg
- Ludacris
- Mila Kunis
- Steve Purcell*******
- Kevin Smith*******
- Pia Guerra
- Lucy Lawless
- Richard Hatch
- Beau Bridges
- Richard Dean Anderson
- Jewel Staite
- Seth McFarlane
- Seth Green
- Joss Whedon
- Nathan Fillion
- Frank Miller
- Zack Snyder
- Judd Apatow
- Justin Long
- Seth Rogen
- Jason Mewes
- Elizabeth Banks
- Summer Glau*******
- Matt Groening
- Dean Koontz
- Tahmoh Penikett
- Eliza Dushku
- Brendan Fraser
- Tyrese Gibson
- Jason Statham
- Rob Schrab******
- Jet Li
- Joan Allen
- Jorma Taccone
- Danny Mcbride
- Alison Lohman
- Sam Raimi
- James Franco
- Sarah Silverman
- Patton Oswalt
- Brian Posehn
So yeah, Comic-Con 2008 was pretty dang sweet. Some good stories of me chasing down Summer Glau, and randomly meeting Kevin Smith on the 2nd floor patio...weird, awesome. Comic-Con.